Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Johan Kramer's Sing for Darfur Win European Independent Film Festival Award

Chelsea Director Johan Kramer's latest film project, Sing for Darfur, won "Best European Dramatic Feature" at the European Independent Film Festival.  From the press release:

The European Independent Film Festival (ÉCU), Europe’s premier event for independent cinema, announces the 2009 festival award winners. An audience of several hundred gathered in the Grand Auditorium of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Site François-Mitterrand, to applaud the 113 talented independent filmmakers from 27 countries whose films were competing for the title of “Europe’s Best Independent Film” during the weekend of 13th – 15th March, 2009. Twenty-three awards were given out at the ceremony...Johan Kramer’s Sing for Darfur (Netherlands) for Best European Dramatic Feature 2009

Congratulation to Johan and everyone involved in the film!