Monday, June 28, 2010

Lauren Greenfield's Girl Culture at the Getty

Lauren Greenfield's photography is no stranger to museums, but this is a big show, even for her. Greenfield's monograph Girl Culture is featured in the Getty's newest show, Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography Since the Sixties. Drawing from the work of a very small and influential group of photographers, the show is about photography "situated between journalism and art... essays that delved deeply into topics of social concern and presented distinct personal visions of the world." Chelsea always has a number of Greenfield's books on hand, and Girl Culture is an office favorite. The press release describes Girl Culture as:
a photographic project that delves into the ways consumer society affects the lives of women in America. Of central concern to Greenfield was the exhibitionist tendencies of contemporary American femininity. Visiting girls of all ages at home, in doctors’ offices, and out with friends, Greenfield examined personal issues of public consequence, providing an intense and intimate exploration of girls’ relationships to their bodies and the effects of popular culture on self-image. Many of her pictures and accompanying interviews focus on what she refers to as “body projects,” the daily grooming rituals undertaken in an effort to express identity through appearance. Others look at the social and consumerist influences from which these young women take their cues as well as the difficulty of living up to such expectations.
The Getty is always free, so if you're in LA, there's no excuse!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

World Cup Madness - Part 2: The Argentina Story

We have not been immune to World Cup excitement here at Chelsea, and why should we? World Cup soccer is awesome, and an excellent reason to have beer at lunch. You've seen director Johan Kramer's "Bleed Orange" spots for the Dutch team (which seem to be working, as they power their way through their group), and now take a look at the giant inflatable head of Maradona, the coach of Argentina and a legendary player in his own right. This shot comes straight from the iPhone of Allison Amon, fearless head of Chelsea LA, as she toured around Buenos Aires for a shoot with Neil Abramson. Stay tuned for those spots, and now it looks like we're rooting for Argentina!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pulse Launches Redesigned Website

Our favorite Londoners have just relaunched their website, and it is lookin' good. Chelsea partner Pulse Films London have been working furiously for the last few months on a bunch of cool projects, and managed to squeeze in some serious changes, so head over to to appreciate the hard work.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

They Just Keep Coming Aboard! Chelsea Signs Director Robb Bindler

Another great signing, if we say so ourselves. Veteran spot and documentary director S.R. "Robb" Bindler has signed on to the roster! From the press release:
...Robb Bindler, a documentary and feature director whose commercial clients include Nokia, Visa, Ford, Coca Cola, and Intel. “I remember seeing his documentary Hands on a Hard Body in theaters, and I’ve been tracking his work ever since,” said Chelsea LA partner Allison Amon. In the subsequent years, Bindler worked in advertising and on his own projects, and in 2008, he wrote and directed Surfer Dude, starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey.
Let it also be known that he's a pretty nice guy, and writes funny emails, which are big pluses for this blogger. Check out his reel on and here's the trailer to his (awesome) documentary Hands On A Hard Body.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chelsea Signs Denise Blate Roederer for East Coast Representation!

Another Chelsea business update, we've signed a new East Coast Sales Representative! Here's a clip from the press release:

Denise Blate Roederer, independent sales representative, has signed Chelsea and new division Pulse@Chelsea and will be handling all East Coast sales. Blate’s other companies include Lair and Union Editorial. Chelsea partner Lisa Mehling said, “I feel so fortunate to have Denise working with us. Her creative opinion and ability to collaborate with clients has made her a highly respected and universally adored member of the industry.” The director rosters of Chelsea, Pulse, and Lair are a smooth compliment to Blate’s roster at Union Editorial, including some already established working partnerships, like Union’s Sloane Klevin and Chelsea’s Alex Gibney.

She's great and we're thrilled!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Party in the NY Office - Four Floors of Fun

Or, to save time, we'll just say FFOF, and every time Chelsea and Lair have an office party, the blog will document the FFOF. This was the Pre-Pre-Pre-Party for AICP, to get everyone geared up for the big show the next day. Sangria was on tap, mini-hotdogs were wrapped in pastry dough, and a good time was had by all! Even Chelsea LA was on hand, in the form of Allison and Ezra.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Please Welcome Orson Burke, The Newest (and Cutest) Chelsea Team Member

File this post under "extremely good news". Our west coast rep, Mr. Ezra Burke, and his lovely wife Jennifer, are the proud parents to young Orson Thayer Burke, born May 27th, 2010, at 8:49 am. Mom and Orson are doing very well, Dad is running out of memory on the camera. Orson's interests include eating, sleeping, being cute, and waking his parents up in the middle of the night. Congrats to all!